Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to lose ALL credibility on the web:

Putting a hidden landing page that is nothing more than a javascript redirect to your site is shady.  I clicked a link and then in an attempt to hit back to get back to where I was, I hit back and am immediately redirected back to the page I was just trying to leave.  This forces me to find another way to get off that site and while easy to do, it's completely irritating and you just lost ANY credibility you might have had.   I am an intelligent person and I don't need you telling me to stay on your site... and now that you have done that, I will NEVER go back to your site and any chance you ever had of getting me interested in whatever it was that brought me there is now nothing.  In my view, you are on the same level as the shady guys that buy up domains around a reputable site hoping for someone to misspelll the real name and land on your site.